I run a general clinic helping adults and children of all ages.
Childhood is the ideal time to introduce your child to homeopathy as the immune system is still developing. Not only it can help when your child is ill, it can also help boost their immune system making them less susceptible to illness and infection.

Homeopathic treatment aims to restore confidence, mental clarity, vitality, peace of mind and help you to lead a richer and more productive, fulfilling life. It results in overall increase in health, personal creativity and freedom.


My specialist area of knowledge, and my passion, is working with people challenged with neurological, behavioural disorders, anxiety disorder and addictions. I regularly work with children and youth who present with symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. 

Instead of seeing an ‘autistic state’ or disorder I began to observe the process, one that has a potential to heal. Everywhere I go, school events, children’s parties, playgrounds etc., I meet someone who has been touched someway by autism. I have also learned how fractured and limited accesses to services are for those families with loved ones on the spectrum. I want no family to feel isolated, hopeless or alone on their path.

My aim is to help your child achieve a better quality of life through increased wellbeing and to achieve freedom from limitations so he or she can fulfil their true potential.


Over the years I have developed a keen interest in using homeopathy in the area of anxiety and panic attacks. A large number of people live with a constant fear. Fear that something terrible will happen, at any minute, or a fear of illness, losing their job, fear of animals, closed-in places, heights, social situations, public speaking and many more. This fear prevents from leading a full and successful life. It can also cause severe symptoms and can become so overwhelming that you are unable to function. 

I have helped many patients to get long lasting relief from anxiety and panic attacks with efficacy and without any side effects.                                             You can overcome chronic anxiety. This is your time to change.

I also work with parents to overcome the difficulties of everyday life. Parents face many challenges and worries, but if you or you child are coping with a mental health problem or chronic health problems, you may face additional concerns and difficulties. 

Another very important aspect, often overlooked, is a stress and depression in parents with ASD children. When the child is diagnosed with ASD, grief and worry are natural reaction. Many parents become sad, angry, extremely worried, hopeless, socially withdrawn, and often too hard on themselves.  This can raise the risk of substance abuse , as chemical intoxicants can be a way to self-medicate by numbing feelings of despair.

Alcohol or drug addiction should not be taken lightly and there are number of therapy options available to help parents to cope better with the emotional strain. Homeopathy is incredibly effective support in all stages of recovery.  

If you suffer with anxiety or depression, your child will also pick this up and will reflect your emotions in their behaviour. 

In homeopathic treatment, it is quite usual course of action, to give a parent a remedy and watch a noticeable change occur in the child. They deserve that positive change- and so do you. 



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Unlocking your creativity 🍀

Helping you to heal 💫