Treatment can consist in a number of steps and therapies.

  • Classical- constitutional homeopathic treatment where a remedy is selected over mental, emotional and physical symptoms.
  • Homeopathic Detox- gentle detoxification that safely cleanses the organs, improves blood circulation and helps the body release the accumulated toxins and wastes from all cells and tissues.
  • Bowel Nosodes- the bowel nosodes are prepared from the pure cultures of gut bacteria. They are especially helpful as a part of the treatment for rebalancing the gut flora and restoring good bowel function. Parents often report that as the bowel symptoms improve so does their child’s behaviour and general well-being. Bowel nosodes are very useful in cases of autoimmune diseases, autism, chronic constipation and chronic skin conditions.
  • Isotherapy- administrating the active causative agent of the same disease in homeopathic potency. 
  • Biochemical Tissue Salts- tissue salts are minerals that balance the body functions. They are essential to help vitamin absorption and have many important roles in cellular processes. It has been shown that many children with ASD have poor assimilation of essential minerals, and also poor detoxification of toxic trace minerals.