Alcohol Use Disorder


Alcohol abuse damages almost every organ in the body, including the brain. It has negative effect on nervous, gastrointestinal, reproductive system, heart health, and blood and immunity. As alcohol is harmful to the body, the mind, and the spirit, each of these areas must be addressed if treatment is to be successful. Achieving the best possible state of health and balance is the goal of homeopathic alcohol treatment.   

Recognizing alcohol abuse can prevent someone you love from becoming an addict. Many people think drinking in high school is normal, however teens are prime candidates for alcohol addiction. Many teens and adults use alcohol as a “successful” coping strategy to cope with a constant feeling of anxiety. There is also a strong link between alcohol addition and autism. One study shows that autistic individuals were twice as likely to have alcohol use -related problems. It became even higher if the person is autistic and ADHD. The main reasons behind excessive drinking were: to fit in, reduce sensory overload, help with distress and trauma, being relax, more outgoing, communicate more easily with others, help to relax, help with boredom. Check out my autistic spectrum disorder page. 

If you are indulging in self-hating, self-loathing and self-harming thoughts that encourage you to engage in self-destructive behaviours, such as alcohol abuse, it’s time to interrupt these behaviours and unleash the real you. 

The main idea behind the homeopathic approach to addiction is to treat each person according to their individual symptoms, causes, triggers and both emotional and physical needs. 

Each individual facing addition has their own unique story, therefore their road to recovery will be equally unique to them. Rather than focusing solely on treating alcohol addition, the focus is on healing the entire person.

Early recovery can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. It is typical for people to feel like their emotions are all over the place. They can move from feeling on top of the world to feeling very low in a matter of hours. Extreme moods such as boredom, restlessness, symptoms of depression, pink cloud- extremes of happiness, loneliness, anger, disappointment, extreme guilt are common in early recovery. 

For the individual who’s just put down their drink, it very often seems like life is about to end. What they will eventually realise is that life is just beginning. As they heal their attractions changes too. Toxicity stops looking like excitement, and peace stops feeling like a boredom.

My mission is to support you, through homeopathy, to change your relationship with alcohol,  reconnect to your inner self and ultimately create healthier more productive and creative life. 

Homeopathy is a great support for those withdrawing from alcohol addition. It relievers the immediate symptoms, reduces craving towards alcohol and it also works to heal the underlying cause, whether inherited, acquired, emotional or psychological.  

                                                Start your recovery journey today. 

                                             Confidential. Straightforward. Friendly.

* Speak to someone if you need un urgent help. Samaritans- National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK. Call free 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258. Available 24 hours.