
There is an overwhelming amount of information online regarding autism, from scientific research, and awareness sites to published books and blogs. It isn’t always easy, in spite of all these resources, to find the answers you need when someone you love has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Autism is often defined as a developmental disorder involving deficits in three domains: social skills, communication, repetitive behaviours or restricted interests. Autism is often accompanied by other conditions, such as mental retardation, epilepsy, insomnia, ADHD, OCD, anxiety disorders, food allergies, frequent symptoms from the digestive system, tendency to frequent ailments from the upper and lower respiratory tract.

One of the most important things to remember when searching for autism guidance is no two people with autism are alike. For this reason, homeopathy is an ideal fit because ASD requires an individual approach. Homeopathy has proven to be very effective, with no risk of harmful side effects. Homeopathy stimulates and strengthens the body’s natural ability to heal, and autism (along with related neurodevelopmental, gastrointestinal and immune system symptoms) responds to homeopathy just as readily as in minor ailments such as bruises, cuts or colds. 

The aim of homeopathic treatment is there to help your child to become more resilient to bacterias, viruses, emotional traumas. You can expect your child to have more appropriate responses to life, to be more settled in their own body, to be more comfortable with those around him, more resilient ot foods, atmosphere and toxins. 

Consequently, your child will become more confident and more at peace with themselves. Individual prescribed remedies will help to break the shell of inwardness and enable the child to connect with the outside environment.

Homeopathic treatment is also helpful in cases where children are too young to be diagnosed, or are on the long waiting lists, but show signs of developmental delays.